Registration Sundays
We take pride in our hospitality and community spirit at Ascension. Thus, we desire to meet and greet every new member in person. New member registration takes place after the 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses on the second Sunday of the month in Witzman Center (church undercroft). The registration takes place during our Coffee & Donut Sundays so you can also enjoy a cup of java and light breakfast for a great opportunity to talk with fellow parishioners.
If you prefer, you may print out the registration form below, complete it and drop it in the offertory collection, take it to the parish office, or mail it to the parish office. You will then be contacted by a staff member.
Initiation into the Catholic Faith
Initiation into the Catholic Faith – usually occurs at the Easter Vigil Mass. Adults receive baptism in conjunction with Eucharist and Confirmation after completing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process. Adults who have been previously baptized will also go through the RCIA process and be received into the church after a Profession of Faith. Contact Joe Ollier 253-5171 x112 for more information, or check out our Becoming Catholic webpages.
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