Child Protection

Child Protection

SafeParish/Child Protection

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati requires adult volunteers and employees who have contact with children to complete a criminal background check through and to complete Child Protection training through SafeParish.

The Ohio Revised Code also requires certain employees (for example, teachers, teachers aides, school employees, cafeteria monitors, playground monitors, and coaches with pupil activity supervisor permits) to have a criminal background check through fingerprinting. The laws of the State of Ohio and the policies of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati regarding criminal background checks through fingerprinting must be adhered to.

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati defines a volunteer  is an adult who is not a cleric or employee (for example, a catechist, scout leader, coach, server coordinator, parent interns, student teachers and others in similar capacities etc.) who function in any capacity to assist in activities with children. This includes all adults accompanying children on any overnight activity.

All volunteers and employees must complete an acceptable background check through and SafeParish Child Protection Training before having contact with young people.

All Safeparish training is online. There are no in-person SafeParish training sessions

SafeParish Registration Instructions Register for Child Protection through SafeParish

New Archdiocesan Policies (updated 2021):

SafeParish video bulletins will be sent quarterly. 

All employess and volunteers must view the bulletins and answer the questions at the end of each in order to stay compliant with the requirements of the Archdiocesan Decree on Child Protection. 

Regarding those who fall behind in their quarterly bulletins: 

All persons who completed Child Protection training through SafeParish must keep up with the continuing education component of SafeParish by viewing all quarterly training bulletins. If a person fails to complete a bulletin with 30 days of receiving it, he / she will be flagged by Safe Parish as "Unapproved" and must “catch up” before having any further contact with children.

Those who fall 6 quarterly bulletins (18 months) behind are required to retake the initial SafeParish training before having contact with children.


Regarding Background checks:

As of January 1, 2014, all volunteers and employees are required to have a background check through

Ascension will pay for background checks for our own employees and volunteers. To receive a payment token for a background check, contact Joe Ollier, Ascension’s Safe Environment Coordinator, prior to completing SafeParish training: or 253-5171 x112

Employees can be reimbursed for a manual fingerprinting by submitting receipts to our Business Manager, Ann Gross:


Ascension Child Protection FAQ brochure (under construction)

Archdiocese of Cincinnati Decree on Child Protection (updated July, 2018)

Archdiocese of Cincinnati Office of Safe Environment Web Site

To sign up for a SafeParish Training session or log in to your SafeParish Account, go here

For more information about SafeParish, click here


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