Eucharist is celebrated with the whole community weekly as a symbol of our Catholic faith. For Catholics who are shut in, hospitalized or who cannot attend church, the Eucharist is brought to them through our lay ministry program. Please contact Margaret Wager at 253-5171 x113 if you are in need of communion at home or in the hospital or if you would like to help minister in this program.
With the increase of celiac disease we have very low gluten hosts for those unable to receive the regular hosts. Please see the celebrant prior to Mass to learn how he distributes these hosts during the regular distribution of communion.
Children First Eucharist is usually celebrated with children in the second grade. Parents are integral to preparing their children for this celebration.
Adults usually receive their First Eucharist at Easter Vigil, but this may occur throughout the year if the Candidate has already been baptized. Adults usually receive Eucharist in conjunction with Confirmation after completing the RCIA process. Contact Joe Ollier for more information.
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