Parish Life Ministries

Parish Life Ministries

Ministry Core Strategy:   Foster a welcoming, intentional, and friendly community without strangers through care for our members in need, celebration of our common life, and shared ownership of our identity.


Adult Faith & Spiritual Renewal


Mike Wager………. 937-435-5974 (

We are committed to enabling the spiritual growth of all men in our parish by equipping them to use their gifts to serve a greater spiritual role in their families, church, and community. "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another," Prov 27:17. This is done in two ways. The first is to promote and attend an annual regional Catholic Men's Conference. The second is the monthly Men's Fellowship meeting at the parish. This group meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 8:00-9:00 a.m. in the Notre Dame Center. The format varies to include prayer and topical discussion on men’s spirituality and general Catholic teaching, using scripture, books, audio and video resources. Come and participate in the sharing of our faith journeys and to pray in thanksgiving for our lives and for each other's petitions. Sign up on Flocknote to receive announcements regarding these activities.


Family Life


Matt Glass…………

The ministry of athletics is an important part of the total parish life at Ascension Parish. Athletic activities serve as a means whereby children are taught Catholic attitudes and values, fundamental techniques, sportsmanship, fair play, team play, and general basic sports skills. Anyone interested in volunteering to coordinate the organization of a particular sport, to coach or assistant coach a particular sport, to coordinate our concessions stands or offer help in any other area can contact us.



  • Boy Scouts is open to all boys in grade 6 up.
    Coordinator: Dennis Brun (
  • Cub Scouts (Currently do not have a Pack)


Hospitality & Welcoming


Margaret Wager ………. 937-253-5171 ext. 113 (

Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to the sick, homebound and parishioners in nursing homes, on a regular basis. Communal Anointing of the Sick is scheduled a few times during the year; individual Anointing of the Sick can be scheduled when a person is seriously ill or facing surgery. Please be sure to let Cathy know when a family member enters a hospital, nursing home, or if you have a homebound member who wishes to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick.



Knights of Columbus (Paul Larochelle)………. 937-427-3827 ( ) 

Coffee and donuts are served on the second Sunday of each month after the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Masses (September through April). Come and meet more of your Ascension family in the Witzman Center. 



Margaret Wager ………. 937-253-5171 ext. 113 (

Parishioners gather at funeral Masses to support the family by presence, prayer, and singing; by assisting the priest at the altar as servers, Eucharistic ministers and lectors as needed. 



Margaret Wager ………. 937-253-5171 ext. 113 (

We are a group of 150+ volunteers who provide food, serve and facilitate luncheons after a loved one’s funeral. Our purpose is to relieve families of the burden of post-funeral congregating by providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere to nourish themselves and share time with family and friends. New volunteers always welcome.


Social Life


Sue Graham ………. 937-299-1827 (   

All women of the parish over 18 years of age are welcome to participate in any or all of the Women's Guild activities that contribute to the parish socially and/or financially. Activities include the annual Holiday Bazaar, Mother-Daughter Banquet and Women of the Year awards, funeral meat trays, 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Brunch, and SCRIP sales. We usually meet the first Wednesday of each month (Sept. though April) at 7:00 p.m. in the Witzman Center.  Groups include:

  • Sue Graham ………. 937-299-1827 ( -  The Harvest of Values Bazaar is an annual gathering of craft and small business vendors, held the 2nd Saturday in November. This is the Women's Guild's primary fundraiser for the year. Volunteers are needed in the main kitchen, including a new chairperson this year, making baked goods, donations for/working in our new Tot Shop, and making/selling craft items at the Women's Guild own table. Donations of baked goods, Tot Shop items, and crafts are extremely appreciated.  For more information, go to
  • Judy McManus (937-299-0997) or Phyllis Hildebrand (937-435-7114) SCRIP can best be described as “substitute money.” It comes in the form of a gift card, but we encourage you to also use it as you make everyday purchases at gas stations, restaurants and other retailers. You pay FACE VALUE but the individual retailers give us profits between 3% and 13%. These monies are used for many items that benefit our parish. Many of the cards are available for immediate purchase while others need to be ordered and are received in less than one week. Call us to order or find an order form on the parish website under the GIVE tab. Drop it in the collection basket addressed to Women’s Guild. We are also present at monthly Coffee and Donuts.

KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS: Judy McManus (937-299-0997) or Phyllis Hildebrand (937-435-7114) You can earn cash for Ascension simply by using you Kroger Plus Card when shopping. You must register your card at If you are already downloading digital coupons from this site, all you need to do is choose us to be the recipient of your rewards. Our number is HL910. If not already registered, you need to “Create an Account” and then make Church of Ascension or HL910 the recipient. Note that this WILL NOT affect your fuel points or accounts in any way.

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