Babies and young children are baptized during any weekend Mass (except during Lent) or outside of Mass at 12:30 PM. Parents are asked to complete a baptismal preparation class prior to the celebration of the Sacrament. Classes are held after the 8:30 AM Mass on the first Sunday of February, April, June, August, October and December.
Parents are asked to contact Joe Ollier 253-5171 x112, three (3) months in advance of their intended Baptism date.
Baptism – school age children: Children who have attained the age of reason (usually age 7) are invited into a special program of Christian Initiation. Parents will be involved in this process with their children.
Contact Chris Kreger at 937-434-6081 ext. 1225 or for more information on this program.
Adult baptism: usually occurs at the Easter Vigil Mass. Adults receive baptism in conjunction with Eucharist and Confirmation after completing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process. Adults who have been previously baptized will also go through the RCIA process and be received into the church after a Profession of Faith.
Contact Joe Ollier at 937-253-5171 x112 or for more information.
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