Education Ascension Grants

Education Ascension Grants


The Education Fund of Education Ascension consists of assets designated for the educational purposes of the parish. Grants may be provided from this fund to individuals or groups outside of formal scholastic education who are pursuing courses of study or training or for program materials or equipment for the development or enhancement of new or existing programs or activities that will enrich the educational environment of Ascension parish.

PURPOSE:  Grant funds may be used for, but are not limited to such areas as:
  • development or enhancement of new or existing programs and activities,
  • attendance at workshops, enrichment programs, certification courses, leadership training, spiritual enrichment programs
  • materials and/or equipment
  • other purposes as deemed appropriate by the Selection Committee.
WHO MAY APPLY: Members of Ascension parish, staff and employees of the parish.

HOW TO APPLY: A completed application form must be signed and submitted to the Selection Panel before the deadline dates of May 1, Aug. 1, or Dec. 1 before any grant will be considered. All applications must include two signatures: one is the applicant; the second is the staff supervisor who reviewed the request. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed without explanations. Forms are available in the parish, school and Religious Education offices.

A grant application may be made by an individual or by a group. Applications from a group should designate an individual as the project leader who will then receive all communications pertaining to the grant.


  • The application must indicate how the training program or individual course of study will benefit Ascension parish.
  • Applications for funding materials or equipment must indicate how these materials will expand or improve educational opportunities within the parish.
  • A detailed budget proposal must accompany the application identifying each item and its cost.
  • The application should identify potential or real sources of support for the grant.
  • Please include anything else that would be helpful for the Selection Committee to understand your request.
  • Grant funds are not intended to supplant the operating budget of the parish.



  • Any request which could be ongoing and would require continued funding beyond a year or for an indeterminable time frame outside the regular operational budget.
  • Any request that will be used for contributions or donations to a charity or appeal.


REVIEW AND SELECTION PROCESS: Grant applications will be reviewed by the Selection Committee, a sub committee of Education Ascension. They will forward their recommendations on to the pastor for final approval.


NOTIFICATION AND PAYMENT: The Selection Committee will notify grant recipients in writing. We cannot, however, provide feedback on applications regarding why funding was or was not awarded. Each grant request will require a signature agreeing to the terms of the grant outlined in this document. Education Ascension will issue payment upon receipt of an invoice to the vendor. Reimbursement will be made upon submission of detailed receipts.


RESTRICTIONS:  Education Ascension must be notified, in writing, of any change in status of a grant recipient. The Fund reserves the right to rescind awards which it determines to be inappropriate or diminished in impact due to the recipient’s change in status. Grant awards are not transferable.

  Each grant recipient will receive an interim and final report form. These forms must be submitted at specified intervals, IRS requirements mandate that receipts for all expenditures must be submitted at the conclusion of the project. All excess funds must be returned to Education Ascension.




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