Thank you all for your nominations for our new parish name. We received more than 250 submissions!
The final list of proposed parish names is in no particular order. They are:
More information on each name, including reasoning and explanations of each can be found below, or is available in the Narthex/Gathering Space. To print off a copy, go here:
A voting table will be available after all Masses. Parishioners (including children old enough to understand voting) will be given 3 paper tickets to place into boxes which will be labeled with the 5 parish name options. You can distribute your 3 tickets into the voting boxes however you wish. You can put all 3 of your tickets into one box or split your vote by putting your tickets into different boxes.
The weekend of November 16-17 will be the only opportunity to vote in person. If parishioners are out of town, they can call one of the parish offices or email to to indicate their votes. Voting will also be available for junior high CCD and parish school classes. Voting will close at the end of the day on Friday, November 22. We ask that each parishioner respect a fair voting process and only vote once. The votes will be tabulated, approved by the Leadership Team, and the results will be announced on the First Sunday of Advent, which is the beginning of a new liturgical year. We invite you to prayerfully review the choices before your vote. Thank you.
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